Life can be a challenge for people who have been diagnosed with epilepsy. It affects people of all ages, races, and walks of life. Nearly 200,000 people will be diagnosed with epilepsy every year in America, says the American Epilepsy Foundation. It is a disorder that affects patients, their families, and their whole environment. Many people with epilepsy suffer from depression and often avoid going out in public for fear of having a seizure. Fortunately, there are ways of coping with an epilepsy diagnosis so the individual can lead a fulfilling, productive life.
The main coping strategy for epilepsy is getting the right treatment. After you have your initial diagnosis, it is important to make regular visits to your neurologist for treatment. If you do not have a regular neurologist, your family doctor can refer you to a good one. Seizure medications may affect different patient’s different ways. Your specialist can help you find the right medication or combination of medications to prevent or reduce the frequency of seizures.
Epilepsy also affects your family and those around you. Have frank discussions with your loved ones about epilepsy education and how you can cope as a family. They need to know what to do in case of a seizure to keep you safe. It is also a good idea to talk to trusted friends and coworkers about your condition and make sure someone knows the correct procedures for a seizure episode. The more people know about a disease, the more comfortable they will be. You will find that your family and most people around you will be very supportive.
The more support you have, the better you will feel. Epilepsy often makes people feel isolated and depressed. The good news is that you do not have to be alone on your journey. Most local hospitals and clinics offer support groups for people with epilepsy and their families.
It is refreshing to know that there are many others who are going through some of the things that you are. That empathetic ear can work wonders for your esteem. You may also find a lot of good resources for support groups online.
Finally, taking good care of your self is essential for coping with epilepsy. Your doctor and other health professionals can advise you of the proper nutrition and lifestyle changes to benefit you. Doctors often report that the more fatigued an epileptic has, the more likely a seizure can occur. Getting the rest you need is important lower your risks. Stress is also a major factor for causing seizures. People who meditate and practice yoga often report feeling less stressful and having fewer episodes, if any. With your doctor’s guidance and these simple tips, you can cope with epilepsy successfully.